Environmental Site Assessments

EEC conducts Environmental Site Assessments (ESA’s) that are used to identify recognized environmental conditions (REC’s) present on any parcel of property. Recognized environmental conditions are defined as the presence or likely presence of any hazardous substance or petroleum product in, on, or at a property(s) due to any release to the environment under conditions indicative of a release to the environment or under conditions that pose a material threat of a future release to the environment. Conditions determined to be de minimis are not considered recognized environmental conditions.

The intent of the environmental site assessment is to satisfy one of the requirements necessary to qualify for the innocent landowner defense against liability under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) constituting all appropriate inquiry.  An ESA is not a comprehensive property characterization and does not involve sampling of soil, rock, groundwater, surface, or air. The findings and opinions within an ESA are based on information obtained from a variety of sources.

Environmental Site Assessments are conducted in accordance with the ASTM Standard Practice E 1527-13, entitled, Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments.  The ESA Process is used as guidance to identify areas of environmental concern.  The use of ASTM E 1527-13 is in compliance with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) All Appropriate Inquiries Final Rule.

 Offices in:

 Vinita, OK    918 272 7656

 Ft. Smith, AR     918 244 9595

Eagle Environmental Consulting, Inc.                       Vinita, OK     (918) 272-7656                       Ft. Smith, AR     (918) 244-9595

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