A traffic noise assessment consists of obtaining noise levels of the existing condition along a specific roadway segment at noise receivers such as homes, parks, churches etc. and provide a comparison to noise levels at modeled noise receiver locations to identify future noise levels and determine if any noise receivers would incur noise impacts in accordance with the Federal Highway Administrations (FHWA’s) Noise Abatement Criteria.  The FHWA’s software program, TNM 2.5, has been used to model noise levels based on traffic data, roadway geometry, and receiver site locations.  A receiver is a location, usually representing a dwelling unit, where exterior human activity occurs.  The chosen receiver is modeled for noise levels and evaluated for noise impacts. Traffic noise assessments are conducted in accordance with the (FHWA) 23 CFR 772, Procedures for Noise Abatement of Highway Traffic Noise and Construction. An approved Sound Level Meter is used to collect decibel readings to determine the existing noise level at a particular noise receiver.

EEC obtains ambient noise measurements, evaluates existing and future noise conditions using the most current TNM noise model, and designs sound barriers to ameliorate noise level impacts on adjacent human use and sensitive receiver areas to ensure compliance with the FHWA noise abatement criteria.  Our clients include federal and state departments of transportation as well as county commissioners and municipalities as part of their roadway and commercial development review responsibilities.

Traffic Noise Assessment & Barrier Analysis

 Offices in:

 Vinita, OK    918 272 7656

 Ft. Smith, AR     918 244 9595



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Eagle Environmental Consulting, Inc. | Vinita, OK  (918) 272-7656 | Ft. Smith, AR  (918) 244-9595

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