Whooping Crane

Ozark Cavefish

Red Knot

Least Tern

Northern Long Eared Bat

Biological investigations are conducted to identify and characterize the existing habitats within your project area prior to any proposed development to determine the types and acreages of suitable habitat present for fish and wildlife resources. Site information acquired from these surveys is used to evaluate the condition and quality of habitats from which we provide determination of potential affect or impacts on these resources.  Site surveys also provide you with the baseline information relative to any federally or state-listed threatened & endangered (T&E) species (including candidate species) that may be present in or migrate through the project area. Field surveys are conducted to identify and describe the observed habitat potentially affected by the proposed project and determine if any wildlife resources, especially threatened, endangered or candidate species or their habitat is present that could be affected.

EEC specializes in surveys, habitat assessments, and biological assessments relative to fish, wildlife, and plant species.  EEC is a Section 10 permitted company through the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and maintains permits to conduct scientific surveys in the states of Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Texas, Oklahoma, and Louisiana. Our survey experience and services includes but is not limited to the American Burying Beetle, Lesser Prairie Chicken, Least Tern, Red Cockaded Woodpecker, Arkansas River Shiner, Neosho Mucket, Western Prairie Fringed orchid, and Running Buffalo Clover surveys. EEC also provides acoustic and mist net survey services for the federally-listed Indiana, Northern Long-eared, Gray, Ozark Big-eared bats.

EEC also performs Biological Assessments (BA) specifically relative to threatened, endangered and candidate species to facilitate any required consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) required by Sections 7 or 9 of the Endangered Species Act.  EEC has conducted BA’s for Federal, State, County and City governments, as well as private citizens, commercial developers, engineering firms, and other environmental consulting companies over the last 20 years.  We maintain a well-established and excellent rapport with the USFWS and their many Ecological Field Services Offices.

Threatened & Endangered Species

Red Cockaded Woodpecker

American Burying Beetle

 Offices in:

 Vinita, OK    918 272 7656

 Ft. Smith, AR     918 244 9595



NEPA Documentation


Threatened & Endangered Species

GIS Mapping

Waters of The United States

Mitigation & Monitoring

Complete Service


Traffic Noise Assessment
& Barrier Analysis

Cultural Resources (Archeology)

Eagle Environmental Consulting, Inc. | Vinita, OK  (918) 272-7656 | Ft. Smith, AR  (918) 244-9595

All Material © Copyright 2018 by Eagle Environmental Consulting, Inc.

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